Fusion's Stain & Finishing Oil (SFO) is 2 products in one-it adds colored stain and adds a sealing oil in one application.
White is the color to use when you want a limed or cerused effect over raw wood.
- Eco Friendly
- Low odor natural plant oils- safflower oil, tung oil, linseed oil & vegetable wax
- Resins penetrate the wood fiber.
- Stir, stir, and stir-do not shake.
- Apply with a chip natural bristle brush or lint free applicator pad.
- For best results, do not apply with a synthetic or foam brush.
- On raw wood: wipe away the excess after 15-20 minutes.
- Wipe away immediately when applying over previously painted surface.
- Re-coat after waiting 9 hours.
- Full cure time: 10 days
- Durable scratch resistant and waterproof finish for high traffic areas-table tops, kitchen cabinets and flooring
- When used over bare wood, this product will show off the grain yet change the color too!
- When used over previously painted surfaces, be sure the paint has cured for at least 30 days
- When used over previously painted surfaces, the colored product creates an antiqued faux effect and increases the sheen
- Highly concentrated oil blend- gives twice the coverage as water-based stains.
- Coverage ranges from light transparent stain all the way to nearly opaque color depending on the number of coats applied.
- Clean up with mineral spirits.
- Decorative wax may be applied over this product.
Tip: Mix colors to create your own unique blend. Ebony and Driftwood. Or Cappuccino and Black